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Writer's picture: Jeriele PrudentJeriele Prudent

Updated: Mar 11, 2019

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. – 2 Timothy 1:7

I must say that fear is a massive impairment that has kept so many people from fulfilling their greatest potential. It is a weapon the enemy uses to cripple those who succumb to its power. I say this with such certainty because I too had been a victim of fear. One thing is for sure, I had a fighting chance to overcome him because I have Christ. I have heard of this foes fighting techniques and how he captures his victims. I have heard how some have defeated him as well. The thing is, it is one thing to know all about your enemy. It’s another thing when you find yourself in the fight all by yourself.

I am writing this right now in attempt to overcome my own fears. Yes, I said 'fears' in plural. I am afraid that if I begin to write my book, I won’t have the words to say. I am afraid that if I begin working on my song, something will go wrong. Maybe the singers won’t be able to make it anymore. Maybe the musicians will back down. What if I complete this project and no one purchases the album? What if my sound isn’t one in season? Those are the questions that continue to plague my mind whispered by fear. He sneaks into our thoughts and make us to believe they are our own. That is a great deception that many have not been able to identify and conquer.

Fear can cause one to reject change and limit their imagination.

It holds its victims captive of their own worries and pre-meditated failures. It is a fight in the mind. The only thing keeping us from fulfilling our greatest potential is the struggle in our own thoughts. We think it won’t be good enough and therefore limit the effort or fail to try at all. How will we know the affect or influence our idea will have if we don’t put it to the test of faith. The only thing that can overcome fear is faith.

I had forgotten what His voice sounds like and began to fall under the spell of fears whispers.

Before we go into fears undefeated foe, let me be the one to also tell you that fear causes you to lose trust in God. We begin to put the opinion of man over God. I had come to a point in my life where I was asking opinions of my friends than going to God in prayer. I began to think that I didn’t want to bother God about this and that and started putting others before him. I had forgotten what His voice sounds like and began to fall under the spell of fears whispers. He would wrap his lifeless arms around my mind and began to suffocate the promises of God. I would hear of what God can do and fear would say, "...that won’t happen for you".

Fear causes us to see the promise, know the promise, but become comfortable in the present - being afraid of walking into the promise. Fear forces us to remain stagnant and unproductive. Eventually, you become worthless and your promises and dreams seem farther and farther away. The enthusiasm and effort that was felt in the beginning becomes a distant memory. The drive is gone and now you find yourself in a dark lonely place in your mind.

God knew that we would face with this powerful foe and made provision.

You see, fear knows that the more it whispers into your mind, the more you begin to believe what you hear. This is the mystery of repetition. This is why David said, “I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways…” (Psalm 119:15). The power needed to counteract fear is the repetition of the Word of God. The more you repeat what God said you are able to find delight in his Word. Delight drives out fear. The more you think on what God has for you it begins to develop a joy and peace in you. You begin to see how much God cares for you beyond your wildest dreams. You then discover that he is your biggest fan and he loves you.

There is nothing that can compare to the love of God. His love is perfect and it’s for that very reason fear can no longer inhabit your heart and mind. After you have encountered the true love of Christ, you are set free. Fears grip is loosed from you and Christ delivers. (1 John 4:18)

Fear no longer has a grip on you if you continue to meditate and trust in God’s word.

The battles we fight are more spiritual than we think. Which is why we must accept to put on God’s full armor and stay on His word no matter what. Fear no longer has a grip on you if you continue to meditate and trust in God’s word. To more you repeat his promises the more you believe. You see, Romans 10:17 states that faith comes by hearing. The same way we become fearful through conditioning and reacting to false stimuli caused by the enemy. The power to overcome this fear is through repetition of God’s word. Faith then hears the frequency of the divine sounds in the promise and reacts to it by drawing nearer. You then begin to train your spirit to become familiar with the supernatural sound waves and you then communicate in a whole new language. The language of faith.

It is a simple formula yet it can move mountains. All you must do is hear the message then believe. The message the God loved you so much he sent the best gift he had, his son. The message that he promises you life more abundantly. The promise that nothing in this world or in the next could every separate you from the Love of God that we experience through His Son Jesus Christ. What we declare with our mouth greatly effects our future. Our life hangs on the vibrations released in our tongue.

Take the time to declare God word and watch your fears be swept away. God hasn’t give you the spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.

Notice the order in which this is listed – (1) power (2) love (3) sound mind. In order to overcome an enemy stronger than you, you must have enough power to withstand him and his blows in your mind. This power to withstand fear is the dunamis power of God. This is a miraculous power developed by the virtue of your ability or state of mind. That means that God has given us enough mental power to counteract fear. The only reason why is has power over us is because we allow it too. We have let our guards down and given it legal access to creep into our thoughts and throne itself. So here we are told we have enough power and virtue to withstand fear, to embrace and generate love, and to have the peace of mind.

Grab your copy by clicking this picture. Make Your Victorious Declaration today!

Fear is defeated. Our declaration is that we have the Spirit of Power, Love and a Sound mind all divinely invested in us by Elohim. You have the potential to overcome and conquer your fears. Repeat the Word and watch it drive out fear.

-Jeriele Prudent

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1 Comment

Mar 11, 2019

Perfectionism is my struggle. I am working on that

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